Push Abandoned Checkouts to

+ create automations with Airtable abandoned CRM for Shopify

More than just an Airtable connection
Abandoned Alert
Pull abandoned checkout alerts into Airtable
VIP Alert
Pull your VIP customers into Airtable
Re-order Alert
Pull repeat customers into Airtable
Visualize your customer and cart data in real-time
Email Alerts
Create customer email alerts and recover more sales
Slack Alerts
Create Slack bot alerts for you and your team
More than just merchant alerts
Pick your number
Choose a toll-free or local number to represent your business professionally.
Push Notifications
Instant alerts about sales opportunities and daily call list recommendations.
Segmented customer lists tell you who your best and most promising customers are.
Customer book
Take your customer contact book everywhere with customer sync.
Smart Caller ID
Smarter caller ID tells you who is calling, their recent purchase and total LTV.
Talk and text
Talk to your customers how they want with unlimited calls and text, incoming and outgoing.
Multiple staff accounts
Invite team members and leverage your teamwork to serve customers as best as possible.
Store hours
Set your store timing and voicemail so off-hours go straight to voicemail and text auto-response.
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